About our membership

The 700 members of the MBTA are committed to improving the safety and efficiency of Maine’s transportation network. Members represent the public and private sectors and include state transportation officials, transportation planners, municipalities, transportation construction and supplier firms, rail companies, trucking and shipping interests, bus companies, manufacturing, travel and tourism interests and others.

Join us!

If you are interested in joining the MBTA or know someone who is, call for a membership information packet, 207-622-0526. You also may join by using our online membership form.

Please select the category that best describes your business or organization. If you have questions please call or e-mail us.

Benefits of membership

  • Being part of a respected, non-partisan voice on transportation-related issues in Augusta and Washington, D.C.
  • Regional issue meetings and forums where members gain insights from community and business leaders on critical issues of the day. These meetings are also excellent networking opportunities.
  • MBTA Young Professional networking and career-building events.
  • Educational events, including the annual MBTA PDH Tour and other seminars, work site tours and industry events, where members and others earn professional development hour (PDH) continuing education credits.
  • Other networking opportunities, including the MBTA Fall Convention and the Young Professionals “Transportation on Tap” series.
  • The chance to have a positive impact on the state and transportation communities through committee work where you work alongside fellow leaders in the industry to: plan MBTA events; build the membership; raise funds for and award scholarships; and organize legislative and community outreach on matters impacting the transportation industry. (MBTA committees are also excellent networking opportunities.)
  • Members also receive our annual membership directory with company listings for every current MBTA member company.

View a list of our members by industry category:

Membership Directory (2023-2024)