News Releases

News Releases2019-12-31T14:42:27-05:00

Van Note, Mills speak at MBTA’s first virtual annual meeting

More than 165 members celebrate organization’s 81st year

MaineDOT Commissioner Bruce Van Note (left) and Maine Turnpike Authority Executive Director Peter Mills at the July 9 MBTA Annual Meeting.

MaineDOT Commissioner Bruce Van Note and Maine Turnpike Authority Executive Director Peter Mills headlined a panel discussion at MBTA’s 81st Annual Meeting, July 9, 2020. The two transportation leaders gave MBTA members and their guests an insider’s look at how both agencies are faring as the state emerges from the coronavirus shutdown that went into effect in mid-March. Because of the coronavirus and physical distancing requirements, the meeting was held virtually with more than 165 members logging in from all corners of the state of Maine.

At the meeting, members also elected a new president, Irv Smith of H.O. Bouchard, who will lead the transportation advocacy group during the 2020-2021 year and bade farewell to outgoing president, Paul Bradbury of the Portland Jetport, who served an extended term due to the pandemic. The organization also welcomed six new board members: Wayne Berry, Northeast Paving; Trevor Kraus, Irving Oil Terminals; Jeremy Jordan, Chadwick-BaRoss; Michael O’Brien, The Rowley Agency; Jasmine Strout, Green International Affiliates; and

COVID-19 Updates

MBTA COVID-19 Updates

  • June 1, 2020→
    Commissioner Van Note invites MBTA members to discuss project additions and future outlook
  • May 21, 2020→
    MaineDOT Announces Additional Capital Projects
  • May 13, 2020→
    Congress must act to relieve state DOT budget shortfalls!
  • May 8, 2020→
    Governor Mills announces “Rural Reopening”
  • April 28, 2020→
    Maine fuel tax receipts down due to COVID-19
  • April 22, 2020→
    Decline in Maine Traffic Resulting in State Highway Fund Receipts Tanking
  • April 15, 2020→
    CARES Act Grants Announced for Maine Airports
  • April 6, 2020

    Updated Unemployment Information from Maine Department of Labor
    The Maine Department of Labor (DOL) recently introduced a call schedule for unemployment filers based on last name.  Those seeking to file for unemployment benefits should call 1-800-593-7660 on the day of the week designated by last name:

    • A-H on Monday, April 6
    • I-Q on Tuesday, April 7
    • R-Z on Wednesday, April 8
    • Thursday and Friday – unassigned for those who miss their alphabetical day or need to call at that time.

    Unemployment Insurance Online (available 24/7)

March 24th, 2020|Categories: Home Page, News Release|

COVID-19 Update

Message from MBTA President Paul Bradbury on COVID-19

Please know that the Staff and Board of the Maine Better Transportation Association continue to monitor issues related to COVID-19. While there has been ample media coverage on the situation, some more accurate than others, we are following the recommendations of Maine and US CDC in order to promote public safety and joining others in trying to control the spread of COVID-19.

Upcoming Events:

Regarding upcoming events, we have canceled the April 9 Transportation on Tap networking event and will review the rest of our calendar on a case-by-case basis. Because our annual meeting on May 7th is nearly two months away, we haven’t yet postponed it but are likely to. We will let you know about that shortly.
We are following Governor Janet Mills’ recommendation regarding limiting non-essential travel and large meetings. While the original recommendation was to cancel meetings of 250 attendees or more, that number now applies to meetings of 50 or more. For smaller committee meetings, until further notice, we will set up conference calls or Zoom meetings. We will update events quickly on our MBTA Facebook page, and website, and with emails.

Other Resources:

There are several great sources of information on how to contain COVID-19. The
March 16th, 2020|Categories: Home Page, News Release|

2019 Worst Road in Maine Contest Winners Announced





For immediate release

For information, contact: 

Maria Fuentes 207-622-0526 or 207-592-0227

Paul Bradbury 207-874-8877 or 207-756-8029


Section of Route 201 winner of ‘Worst Road in Maine’

William Jarvis, grand prize winner of the 2019 Worst Road in Maine Contest

  • Maine Scenic Byway wins top prize for going from ‘falling apart’ to ‘terrible.’
  • Route 202 in Sanford, Route 1A in Fort Fairfield and Route 1 in Washington County are runners up.

William Jarvis of Jackman, Maine, won the grand prize for his entry, a 14.3-mile section of Route 201 that stretches from the town of Moose River to the border of Maine and Quebec, Canada. Jarvis, a forester and chief of the Jackman Fire & Rescue Department, frequently has to travel the route t

o reach land that he manages for clients and on his official duties for the town of Jackman. In talking about his entry, Jarvis noted that the road is a popular Maine Scenic Byway, and that the deteriorating condition of the road is more of a deterrent to local tourists.  Jarvis has won the $529 grand prize – that is the amount researchers have estimated

December 10th, 2019|Categories: Home Page, News Release|
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